Werner Richard Heymann 14.2.1896 - 30.5.1961


For information about both printed and unprinted sheet music and advice, in particular for performers and producers: Elisabeth Trautwein-Heymann,
Elisabeth Trautwein-Heymann  
Werner Richard Heymann's daughter and his legal successor, was born in Salzburg in 1952, and studied Music (piano, flute and percussion), Dance and the Teaching of Dance, leading to a diploma from the Mozarteum Conservatory in Salzburg. As a postgraduate she studied Education and Psychology at Salzburg University, and has trained additionally in massage and healing. She appeared as a dancer in Paris, Salzburg and Stuttgart, and has worked as a dance instructor, dance therapist and health consultant.
Since 1998 she has been in Berlin, where she has devoted herself solely to the music, interpretation and performance of Heymann's work.


Werner Richard Heymann's artisitic estate (including manuscripts, letters, autobiographical papers, documents, photographs and reviews) lies in the
Archive at the Academy of Arts, Berlin and is in the care of the
"Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Kuenste,
Abteilung Musikarchiv"
Robert Koch-Platz 10, 10115 Berlin Mitte,
archive of music: phone +4930 200573263 (Frau Niklew)
dept. archive of music: phone +4930 20057 3235
reading room desk: phone +4930 200573247
e-mail archive of music (Mrs. Niklew)
e-mail user service
inventory on Findbuch.net.

Some chansons from the era of the Berlin Cabaret and from the post war period are published by Schott Music.
Weihergarten 5, D-55116 Mainz
phone +49 6131 246-0 / Fax. +49 6131 246-211
e-mail Schott Music

The major publishers and owner of the rights of the works of Werner Richard Heymann are:
Dreiklang-Dreimasken Bühnen- und Musikverlag GmbH
Marita Schmalenstroer (Manager Standard Catalogue)
Stralauer Allee 1, 10245 Berlin
Amtgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 110736 B
Management: Frank Briegmann, Markus Wenzel
phone +4930 520071247 / Fax. +4930 5200731247
e-mail publishing company (Mrs. Marita Schmalenstroer)

The stage rights for "Die Drei von der Tankstelle", "Professor Unrat" and "Ein blonder Traum" reside with
Thomas Sessler Verlag, Johannesgasse 12 A 1010 Wien,
phone +43 1 5123284-85 / Fax +43 1 5133-907
Maria Teuchmann, management theatre / cinema-tv.
e-mail an Mrs. Teuchmann

The stage rights for "Der Kongress tanzt" reside with Felix Bloch Erben.
Sub-publisher of "Kiki vom Montmartre" is:
Felix Bloch Erben Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
e-mail Felix Bloch Erben

The stage rights for "Kiki vom Montmartre" reside with
Musikverlag und Bühnenvertrieb Zürich AG
Utoquai 41, 8008 Zürich
phone 044 252 77 88 / Fax. 044 252 07 30
e-Mail Zuric AG

Heymanns classical music is published by:
Josef Weinberger GmbH, Jan Rolf Mueller, Oeder Weg 26,
60318 Frankfurt,
phone +49 69 955288-30 / Fax +49 69 955288-44
e-mail Jan Rolf Mueller

Some sheet music of Heymann's songs is published by:
EWOTON Musikverlag, Elmar Wolf GmbH
MITTELFELDSTRAßE 4, D 66851 Queidersbach bei Kaiserslautern,
phone +49 6371 9230-0 / Fax +49 6371 17212
